Can you bill CPT code 90785 and 90837 ?
No, you cannot bill CPT code 90785 (Interactive Complexity) with 90837 (Individual psychotherapy, 60 minutes). These codes represent different services and are not compatible for billing together on the same date of service. If both services were provided during the same session, it is important to determine which code best represents the primary service being provided.
Can you bill 2 units of 90837 ?
Yes, 90837 refers to a 60-minute individual psychotherapy session, so if the session lasted longer than 60 minutes and you provided additional psychotherapy services, you can bill 2 units of 90837. It is important to document the time spent with the patient and the services provided to justify billing for 2 units of this code.
What add on codes can be used with 90837 ?
Some common add-on codes that can be used with CPT code 90837 (Individual psychotherapy, 60 minutes) include: – +90833: Psychotherapy, 30 minutes (used in conjunction with 90837 for longer sessions) – +90836: Psychotherapy, 45 minutes (used in conjunction with 90837 for longer sessions) – +90838: Add-on code for prolonged service in the office or other outpatient setting (usually used for sessions that exceed the typical time frame for 90837) These add-on codes can be used to report additional time spent with the patient during the psychotherapy session or for prolonged services beyond the typical duration of a standard session.